12 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Importance of Adjectives in Sentences (Discussion Part)

          In every language, adjectives are important elements of sentences. Using adjectives means that we can express the quality of any person or object. Without adjectives we could not say how any object looks like. Not only pronouns and adjectives are the words which are used for description of something or somebody. In addition; when we read a paper which is a descriptive one, adjectives help us to picture the content of what we read about. If I give an example for it which can you picture better??

1)  "She went to a friend's house."
2) "She happily along the brightly colored paved side walk while on her way to her friend's beautiful house."

Big difference, right ? :)

Adjectives are important because they...

---  describe a noun (person, place, or thing)
---  tell more about a noun (person, place, or thing)
---  make sentences more interesting
---  affect the meaning of  sentences

             Whenever we use adjectives, they make our writings more visual and vivid. Our readers will get a better idea of what we wish them to picture when they read our writings. It appeals to our readers’ senses; therefore, they can hear, see, touch, taste, and even smell what you’re describing. Also, use of adjectives makes our reading and writing much more fun. It sets the tone for our writing. You need to use them for descriptive papers or in our daily life. Moreover; we use adjectives because we want to express ourselves, things, characters in a good or bad way. It will get our readers' or listeners' attention and can make the book a good read or speech a good, an effective speech. Adjectives can make other people want to get the book or you are wanted to be listened over and over and see how well you wrote and talked with somebody and adjectives is a big help to succeed . They might even be looking for adjectives that come near. Whenever I think about my speeches,  writings or readings without using adjectives, I do not want to listen, write and read. Therefore, except for an academic writing I usually be careful about that issue in my speeches, or writings.          
              Briefly,  "One word is worth a thousand pieces of gold". That's like I cannot imagine a cake without any ornation on it. Then, how was  the cake? I say! :) Yes, this quatation which I wrote at the beginning of this paragraph  is definetely ever and ever true. So, I recommend you to do not give up and keep up using adjectives in your own sentences. By this way, we make up more and more attractive combinations! :) 
         For example,as we are prospective teachers we have teach "Adjectives" to the students. As you know that there are many different ways to teach adjectives. The video below shows a method that teaches adjectives to young learners. Please watch the video below and then answer the questions. 

                 And now, since you watched the video please share your anwers to the folowing questions:

1) Do you think that the video above is an effective method to learners?

2) What do you think, what is the best way to teach adjectives?
3) In Russian literature (writer's such as Tolstoy, Chehov, Dostoyevsky) use pages of adjectives to describe the characters. Why do you think they do that?

                This is an another video to teach adjectives for students. Which video do you think is more effective in teaching adjectives? If you were a teacher which one would you use and why?

7 yorum:

  1. First of all Irem the videos that you found about teaching adjectives to learners of a second language brought a smile on my face :) they are created in an interesting way that appeal both to the ears and the eyes. Although I would be a traditional teacher that uses classical lecturing system that we are taught with, I would favor like in these cartoonish videos using songs and simple animations for my students to learn the adjectives in a engaging manner. Literature, in my own ponit of view of course,uses the language in an artistic way to create imaginary personas, events and feelings in our minds. The writers you stated in the example are celebrated and treasured ones amnog many famed writers in the history of world literature and I think that they deserve their fame through clever usage of adjectives, in other words language. They create an environment, characters and events can we as audience can picture in our minds. Personally, I liked both videos but in my teaching practice I would use the second video because it not only teaches adjectives in form of a song but also with basic animation it shows the objects or things that they are refering to. I think students would benefit from this visual and auditory delight :)

  2. As we all know, adjectives play an important role in sentence structure in English. So, it is our duty to teach this importance to our students and also to teach them create good sentences by using adjectives. In order to do this, there are so many ways and I think that your videos are very nice. They are funny and they grab attention, so our learners can learn adjectives by such nice videos. I cannot say that there is a best way to teach adjectives, in my opinion every teacher's method is best! Also, the famous names that you have mentioned are known all around the world and I think that they use pages of adjectives to describe a character in order to help us to imagine the character better. Adjectives help us to understand a person and also visualize. Lastly, your blog post is very nice and your topic is very important. In addition, your videos are so helpful! :)

  3. Irem I like your blog discussion especially the videos they are really enojayble :) as you said the adjectives are really important and they have a big role in sentence structures in English.Therefore, as a teacher we should teach them to the students to show them what they provide to the sentence such as describing a noun . I agree with your definition that says it paints a picture for us about the sentence. As in the video we can teach them by preparing a song with a context which includes adjectives. In my opinion, we can also use authentic materials for adjectives such as bringing colourful stuffs to the class and ask the students.We can also use flash-cards while teaching the adjectives.

  4. Adjectives - Learn about the types of adjectives and browse our list of commonly used adjectives. @ http://www.englishleap.com/grammar/adjectives

  5. Thank you for this article, which you have created. I was glad to read it blog, because I found a lot of useful information about grammar. Thank you for doing such a nice job. Good luck in the future.

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